West Bay Hotel details of job book


1 waiter(S) 21 B
2 day off 22 E
3 break 23 A
4 (free) meal 24 C
5 dark (coloured/colored) 25 B
6 jacket 26 C
7 28 June 27 priorities
8 Urwin 28 timetable
9 12.00(pm)/noon/mid-day 29 (small) tasks
10 reference 30 (singe) paragraph
11 A 31 C
12 B 32 B
13 B 33 C
14 C 34 A
15 D 35 B
16 G 36 B
17 B 37 animal/creature
18 F 38 sea/water level(S)
19 A 39 hunting
20 E 40 creation




Complete the notes below.


West Bay Hotel-details of the job

Example                                  Answer

Newspaper advert for temporary staff

  • Vacancies for 1 …………………….
  • Two shifts
  • Can choose your 2 …………………… (must be the same each week)
  • Pay: £5.50 per hour, including a 3 ……………………
  • A 4 …………………. Is provided in the hotel
  • Total weekly pay: £231
  • Dress: a white shirt and 5 ……………….. trousers (not supplied)
  • A 6 ……………………. (supplied)
  • Starting date: 7 ……………………
  • Call Jane 8 ………………. (Service Manager) before 9 ……………….
  • Tomorrow (Tel: 832009)
  • She‘ll require a 10 …………………..


SECTION 2                 Questions 11-20

Questions 11-13

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.


Improvements to the Red Hill Suburb


11        Community groups are mainly concerned about

A         pedestrian safety.

B          traffic jams.

C          increased pollution.

12        It has been decided that the overhead power lines will be

A         extended.

B          buried.

C          repaired

13        The expenses related to the power lines will be paid for by

A         the council.

B          the power company.

C          local businesses.

Question 14-20

Label the map below.

Write the correct letter, A, next to questions 14-20.

Red hill Improvement Plan


14        trees                             ……………………..

15        wider footpaths                        …………………….

16 colored road surfaces…………………….

17        new sign                      ………………………..

18        traffic lights                 ………………………..

19        artwork                                    ……………………….

20        children’s playground  ………………………


SECTION 3 Questions 21-30

Choose TWO letters, A-E.


In which TWO ways is Dan financing his course?

A         He is receiving money from the government.

B          His family is willing to help him.

C          The college is giving him a small grant.

D         His Local council is supporting him for a limited period.

E          A former employer is providing partial funding.


Questions 23 and 24

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO reasons does Jeannie give for deciding to leave some college clubs?


A         She is not sufficiently challenged.

B          The activity interferes with her studies.

C          She does not have enough time.

D         The activity is too demanding physically.

E          She does not think she is any good at the activity.


Questions 25 and 26

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.


25        What does Dan say about the seminars on the course?

A         The other students do not give him a chance to speak.

B          The seminars make him feel inferior to the other students.

C          The preparation for seminars takes too much time.

26        What does Jeannie say about the tutorials on the course?

A         They are an inefficient way of providing guidance.

B          They are more challenging than she had expected.

C          They are helping her to develop her study skill.


Questions 27-30

Complete the flowchart below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR NUMBER for each answer.


Advice on exam preparation


Make sure you know the exam requirements


Find some past papers


Work out your 27 …………………. For revision

And write them on a card


Make a 28 …………… and keep it in view


Divide revision into 29 ……………. For each day


Write one 30 ………………. About each topic


Practice writing some exam answers


SECTION 4 Questions 31-40

Questions 31-36


Australian Aboriginal Rock Paintings


Which painting styles have the following features?

Write the correct letter, A, B, or C, next to questions 31-36.


Painting Styles

A         Dynamic

B          Yam

C          Modern




31        figures revealing bones                                    …………………..

32        rounded figures                                               …………………..

33        figures with parts missing                    ………………….

34        figures smaller than life size                …………………

35        sea creatures                                        …………………

36        plants                                                   …………………


Questions 37-40

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.


Rainbow Serpent Project


Aim of the project: to identify the 37 …………………. Used as the basis for the Rain Serpent


Yam Period

  • Environmental changes led to higher 38 ………………………
  • Traditional activities were affected, especially 39 ……………….

Rainbow Serpent image

  • Similar to a sea horse
  • Unusual because it appeared in inland areas
  • Symbolizes 40 ……………….. in Aboriginal culture
2 3 4 ​ 5