Early Learning Childcare Centre Enrolment Form


1 4 21 C
2 46 Wombat 22 A
3 Thursday 23 A
4 8.30 24 B
5 red 25 B
6 Lunch 26 E
7 glasses 27 D
8 BALL 28 A
9 aunt 29 G
10 month 30 C
11 C 31 achievement/achievements
12 E 32 personality/character
13 B 33 situational
14 A 34 friend
15 C 35 aspirations/ambitions
16 B 36 style
17 C 37 development
18 D 38 vision
19 D 39 structures
20 A 40 innovation/innovations


Early Learning Childcare Centre Enrolment Form


Parent or guardian: Carol Smith

Personal Details

Child’s name: Kate

Age: 1 ………………………………………

Address: 2 ……………………………. Road, Woodside, 4032

Phone: 33459865

Childcare Information

Days enrolled for: Monday and 3 …………………………………..

Start time: 4 …………………………………. am

Childcare group: the 5 ………………………. Group

Which meal/s are required each day? 6 ……………………………..

Medical conditions: needs 7 ………………………………..

Emergency contact: Jenny 8 ………………………………….. Phone: 33467523

Relationship to child: 9 ……………………………….


Will pay each 10 ……………………………….

SECTION 2           QUESTION11-20


Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO things does Alice say about the Dolphins Conservation Trust?

A             Children make up most of the membership.

B             It’s the country’s largest conservation organization.

C             It helps finance campaigns for changes in fishing practices.

D             It employs several dolphin experts full-time.

E              Volunteers help in various ways.

Questions 13-15

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.

13           Why is Alice so pleased the Trust has won the Charity Commission award?

A             It has brought in extra money.

B             It made the work of the trust better known.

C             It has attracted more members.

14           Alice says oil exploration causes problems to dolphins because of

A             noise

B             oil leaks.

C             movement of ships.

15           Alice became interested in dolphins when

A             she saw one swimming near her home.

B             she heard a speaker at her school.

C             she read a book about them.

Questions 16-20

Which dolphin does Alice make each of the following comments about?

Write the correct letter, A, B C, or D, next to questions 16-20


A             Moon dancer

B             Echo

C             Kiwi

D             Samson


16           it has not been this year.                                                              …………………………………..

17           it is photographed more than the others.                             ……………………………………

18           it is always very energetic.                                                           …………………………………..

19           it is the newest one in the scheme.                                         ……………………………………

20           it has an unusual shape.                                                               …………………………………..


Questions 21-25

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.

Theatre Studies Course

21           What helped Rob to prepare to play the character of a doctor?

A             the stories his grandfather told him

B             the times when he watched his grandfather working

C             the way he imagined his grandfather at work

22           In the play’s first scene, the boredom of village life was suggested by

A             repetition of words and phrases.

B             scenery painted in dull colors.

C             long pauses within conversations.

23           What has Rob learned about himself through working in a group?

A             he likes to have clear guidelines.

B             He copes well with stress.

C             He thinks he is a good leader.

24           to support the production, research material was used that described

A             political development.

B             changing social attitudes.

C             economic transformations.

25           What problem did the students overcome in the final rehearsal?

A             one-person forgetting their words

B             an equipment failure

C             the injury of one character

Questions 26-30

What action is needed for the following stages in doing the ‘year abroad’ option?

Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 26-30.


A             be on time

B             get a letter of recommendation

C             plan for the final year

D             make sure the institution’s focus is relevant

E shows ability in Theatre Studies

F              make travel arrangements and bookings

G asks for help

Stages in doing the ‘year abroad ‘option

26           in the second year of the course                                               …………………………….

27           when first choosing where to go                                               …………………………….

28           when sending in your choices                                    ……………………………….

29           when writing your personal statement                  ………………………………

30           when doing the year abroad                                       ……………………………..


Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

‘Self-regulatory focus theory’ and leadership

Self-regulatory focus theory

People’s focus is to approach pleasure or avoid pain

Promotion goals focus on 31 ……………………………….

Prevention goals emphasize avoiding punishment

Factors that affect people’s focus

The Chronic Factor

  • Comes from one’s 32 …………………………………..

The 33 ………………………………. Factor

  • We are more likely to focus on promotion goals when with a 34 ……………………………..
  • We are more likely to focus on prevention goals with our boss

How people’s focus affects them

Promotion Focus: People think about an ideal version of themselves, their 35 ………………………, and their gains.

Prevention Focus: People think about their ‘ought’ self and their obligations


Leadership behavior and 36 …………………………….. affects people’s focus

Transformational Leaders:

  • Pay special attention to the 37 …………………. Of their followers
  • Passionately communication a clear 38 …………………………………..
  • Inspire promotion focus in followers

Transactional Leaders:

  • Create 39 …………………………….. to make expectations clear
  • Emphasize the results of a mistake
  • Inspire prevention focus in followers
  • Conclusion

Promotion Focus is good for jobs requiring 40 …………………………..

Prevention Focus is good for work such as a surgeon

Leader’s actions affect which focus people use


THANKS FOR READING: Early Learning Childcare Centre Enrolment Form

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