Painters of time
BOOK PRACTICE TESTS PLUS 2 READING PASSAGE 3 (THREE) 28 (A) vi 29 (B) v 30 (C) viii 31 (D) i 32 (E) iv 33 (F) vii 34 thousands of years 35 (tree) bark 36 overseas museums 37 school walls 38 B 39 D 40 C
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BOOK PRACTICE TESTS PLUS 2 READING PASSAGE 3 (THREE) 28 (A) vi 29 (B) v 30 (C) viii 31 (D) i 32 (E) iv 33 (F) vii 34 thousands of years 35 (tree) bark 36 overseas museums 37 school walls 38 B 39 D 40 C